I really like Fashion. I do. You wouldn't know it by looking at me, or examining my closet... But I love it, all of it. Designers, hottest trends, dos and don'ts, all of it!
And I love even more, Joan Rivers! I know you're not supposed to. Most people can't handle her! And the poor woman's face doesn't even know how to move anymore.
But she is hilarious. She is so funny. And she says the most outrageous things. I even catch Zach laughing at it!
Which speaking of my hubby, I learned something about him over the weekend!
I'm half way through this project of mine. And I've given myself a deadline. Zach's Grandpa is coming to town for Thanksgiving and the whole family will be spending an entire day here. SO I have to have that room put together and looking decent by the end of this week!
Ok, I don't know if that's possible. I'm going to take a picture of it today. Like a whole before and after thing. I should have taken the picture two days ago, but I didn't think about it.
I feel like I'm really making some progress today. And my girls even let me get some serious work done this morning. They were really sweet about it.
Oh, ok, but what I've learned about Zach is from his boxes and boxes and boxes of childhood memories.
For as long as Zach's memories go back, he has loved two things: Star Wars and The Huskers.
And then later on in life, he throws me into the mix.
It was really sweet to go through all of his memories and see that his love for not only the Huskers, but sports goes way, way, way back. And that he kept everything I ever gave him!
But it's kind of embarrassing too. We were sooo ridiculous in high school.
But who isn't?
High school dating has to be one of the most eye-rolling, stomach-nauseating events out there. Bleh.
Anyways, not too much to write about today. I don't have any remnant of a brain, I'm running on fumes and empty thoughts. So I thought I would catch up with some pictures I've been meaning to put up for a while.
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